蚵仔煎 Oyster Omelet

材料 Ingredients
生蠔 Oyster 8 小個 each (small)
生菜 Roman lettuce 2 葉 leaf
蛋 Egg 1 個 ea
地瓜粉 Yam starch 3 大匙 Tbs
水 Water 3 大匙 Tbs
鹽 salt1/4 小匙 tsp
食用油 Cooking oil 2 大匙 tbs
台灣小吃沾醬 Dipping Sauce for Taiwanese Snacks 隨意 As desired

1.生菜洗乾淨切成 5cm 小段。生蠔水略沖洗後濾乾。地瓜粉﹐水和鹽在一個小碗內調勻。
2.平底鍋內燒熱將 2 大匙油﹐放進生蠔用中小火煎 30 秒。

1.Wash the lettuce leaves and cut them into 5 cm segments. Wash the oyster under running water and drain. Mix the yam starch, water and salt in a small bowl.
2.Heat 2 tbs of oil in a pan. Add the oysters and pan-fry at medium-low heat for 30 seconds.
3.Pour the yam starch batter over the oyster. Pan-fry the batter at medium heat until it becomes translucent. Add the egg on top of the starch pancake.
4.Break the egg with a spatula。 Continue pan-frying the pancake at medium-low heat until the edge becomes golden brown. Add the lettuce and flip the pancake over. Continue cooking until the other side is golden brown too.
5.Serve the oyster pancake with the Dipping Sauce for Taiwanese Snacks.

最後更新 (Last Update): 09/07/2013
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